15 Steve Randle Quotes With Page Numbers From The Outsiders

Steve Randle’s quotes give a deeper understanding of the loyalty theme in The Outsiders.

Steve Randle from The Outsiders is Sodapop Curtis’s best friend and a member of the Greasers.

Steve’s significance in the story lies in his loyalty and dedication to his gang and his role in highlighting the challenges and stereotypes faced by the greasers in their society.

The Outsiders Quotes With Page Numbers

A picture of a gas station at night, with the text overlay: "Steve Randle Quotes With Page Numbers From The Outsiders"


Steve Randle Description From The Outsiders

Steve Randle is introduced as a seventeen-year-old character in S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders. He’s described as tall and lean, with thick, greasy hair that he styles in intricate swirls.

Steve is depicted as tacky and smart and has been Soda’s best friend since grade school.

He possesses exceptional skill and knowledge of cars, lifting a hubcap swiftly and quietly. Additionally, Steve is known for his ability to drive any vehicle with expertise.

He and Soda work at the same gas station, with Steve working part-time and Soda full-time. The gas station they work attracts more customers than any other town. It is unclear whether this is because of Steve’s car skills or Soda’s ability to attract girls.

Ponyboy, the narrator, admits that he only likes Steve because he is Soda’s best friend. However, Steve doesn’t reciprocate this sentiment. Steve considers Ponyboy to be a tagalong and a kid.

Steve’s disapproval stems from Soda always including Ponyboy when they go out together if they are not accompanied by girls, which bothers Steve.

This reveals a dynamic where Steve is protective of his close bond with Soda and does not appreciate Ponyboy’s presence interfering with that.

Steve is a character with a lot of energy and strong emotions. Ponyboy mentions that he can understand why Steve and Soda get into drag races and fight frequently, as they both have an excess of energy and emotions that they struggle to channel productively.

This suggests that Steve may have a tendency towards impulsive behavior and need an outlet for his emotions.

Furthermore, Steve is shown to have a somewhat sarcastic and mocking side. In one instance, he sings the word “greaser” and makes derogatory comments about greasers, highlighting the stereotypes and negative perceptions of their social class.

This demonstrates Steve’s ability to use humor as a defense mechanism and his willingness to challenge societal stereotypes.

Steve also values loyalty and sticking up for his friends despite his flaws. Ponyboy reflects on the importance of sticking together as a gang and how it distinguishes them from being just a pack.

This implies that Steve understands the significance of loyalty, friendship, and unity as a gang member.

Lastly, his character adds depth to the novel, showcasing the complexities of friendship, loyalty, and the struggles faced by the greasers.

The Outsiders Characters List And Analysis


Steve Randle Quotes With Page Numbers From The Outsiders

“I glanced around for a pop bottle or a stick or something— Steve Randle, Soda’s best buddy, had once held off four guys with a busted pop bottle— but there was nothing.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 1, Page 4


“Steve Randle was seventeen, tall and lean, with thick greasy hair he kept combed in complicated swirls. He was tacky, smart, and Soda’s best buddy since grade school. Steve’s specialty was cars. He could lift a hubcap quicker and more quietly than anyone in the neighborhood, but he also knew cars upside-down and backward, and he could drive anything on wheels. He and Soda worked at the same gas station— Steve part time and Soda full time— and their station got more customers than any other in town. Whether that was because Steve was so good with cars or because Soda attracted girls like honey draws flies, I couldn’t tell you. I liked Steve only because he was Soda’s best friend. He didn’t like me— he thought I was a tagalong and a kid; Soda always took me with them when they went places if they weren’t taking girls, and that bugged Steve.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 1, Page 9


” I’d never tell Soda, because he really likes Steve a lot, but sometimes I can’t stand Steve Randle. I mean it. Sometimes hate him.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 1, Page 14


“Steve was looking at Dally’s hand. His ring, which he had rolled a drunk senior to get, was back on his finger. “You break up with Sylvia again?”

“Yeah, and this time it’s for good. That little broad was two-timin’ me again while I was in jail.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, (Character: Steve Randle and Two-Bit Mathews), Chapter 1, Page 14

Two-Bit Mathews Quotes From The Outsiders


“I can understand why Sodapop and Steve get into drag races and fights so much, though— both of them have too much energy, too much feeling, with no way to blow it off.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Sodapop and Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy Curtis as the narrator), Chapter 1, Page 16

Ponyboy Curtis Quotes With Page Numbers


“Two-Bit or Steve or even Soda would have gone right along with him, just to see if they could embarrass the girls, but that kind of kicks just doesn’t appeal to me.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 20

Sodapop Curtis Quotes With Page Numbers


“He’d leave you alone if he knew you,” I said, and that was true. When Steve’s cousin from Kansas came down,”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Dallas Winston and Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 26


“We were walking because we had left Steve’s car at the station.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 31


“We were passing it, kicking rocks down the street and finishing our last bottle of Pepsi, when Steve noticed something lying on the ground. He picked it up. It was Johnny’s blue-jeans jacket— the only jacket he had.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 31


“I had walked down to the DX station to get a bottle of pop and to see Steve and Soda, because they’ll always buy me a couple of bottles and let me help work on the cars.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 31


“Looks like Johnny forgot his jacket,” Steve said, slinging it over his shoulder to take it by Johnny’s house. Suddenly he stopped and examined it more carefully. There was a stain the color of rust across the collar. He looked at the ground. There were some more stains on the grass. He looked up and across the field with a stricken expression on his face. I think we all heard the low moan and saw the dark motionless hump on the other side of the lot at the same time. Soda reached him first. Johnny was lying face down on the ground. Soda turned him over gently, and I nearly got sick. Someone had beaten him badly.

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Johnny Cade and Steve Randle (Character: Steve Randle and Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 32

Johnny Cade Quotes With Page Numbers


“We were used to seeing Johnny banged up— his father clobbered him around a lot, and although it made us madder than heck, we couldn’t do anything about it. But those beatings had been nothing like this. Johnny’s face was cut up and bruised and swollen, and there was a wide gash from his temple to his cheekbone. He would carry that scar all his life. His white T-shirt was splattered with blood. I just stood there, trembling with sudden cold. I thought he might be dead; surely nobody could be beaten like that and live. Steve closed his eyes for a second and muffled a groan as he dropped on his knees beside Soda. Somehow the gang sensed what had happened.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Johnny Cade and Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 2, Page 32


“But that day…well, Soda can’t sit still long enough to enjoy a movie, much less a sermon. It wasn’t long before he and Steve and Two-Bit were throwing paper wads at each other and clowning around, and finally Steve dropped a hymn book with a bang–accidentally, of course. Everyone in the place turned to look around at us, and Johnny and I nearly crawled under the pews. And then Two-Bit waved at them. I hadn’t been to church since.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about Steve Randle (Character: Ponyboy as narrator), Chapter 4, Page 66


“Hate to tell you this, buddy, but you have to wear clothes to work. There’s a law or something.” 

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, (Character: Steve Randle), Chapter 7, Page 105


“Why don’t you get a job?” Steve said. “Ever consider working for a living?”

“Work?” Two-Bit was aghast. “And ruin my rep? I wouldn’t be baby-sittin’the kid here if I knew of some good day-nursery open on Saturdays.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders (Characters: Two-Bit Mathews and Steve Randle), Chapter 7, Page 112


“Greaser…greaser…greaser…” Steve singsonged. “O victim of environment, underprivileged, rotten, no-count hood!”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, about greasers, stereotypes, identity (Character: Steve Randle), Chapter 9, Page 136


“Soda fought for fun, Steve for hatred, Darry for pride, and Two-Bit for conformity.”

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, (Character: Steve Randle), Chapter 9, Page 137


“The way Two-Bit, after the police had taken Dally’s body away, had griped because he had lost his switchblade when they searched Dallas.

¨Is that all that’s bothering you, that switchblade?¨ a red-eyed Steve had snapped at him.

¨No,¨ Two-Bit had said with a quivering sigh, ¨but that’s what I’m wishing was all that’s bothering me.¨” 

~S.E. Hinton, The Outsiders, (Character: Steve Randle and Two-Bit Mathews), Chapter 12, Pages 177-78



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