29 Gathering Blue Quotes With Page Numbers

Gathering Blue Quotes With Page Numbers

“She had seen the cindered fragments of her childhood life whirl into the sky as well.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 1, Page 3

50 The Giver Quotes With Page Numbers


“She felt a small shudder of fear. Fear was always a part of life for the people. Because of fear, they made shelter and found food and grew things. For the same reason, weapons were stored, waiting. There was fear of cold, of sickness and hunger. There was fear of beasts.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 1, Page 3


“Because of fear, they made shelter and found food and grew things. For the same reason, weapons were stored, waiting.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 1, Page 3


“It was terrifying, almost unbelievable, the casualness of the cruelty.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 1, Page 12


“Take pride in your pain; you are stronger than those who have none”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Katrina), Chapter 3, Page 26


“mine.” Kira had stood silently, embarrassed but proud, as the guardian examined the threading she had done. He made no comment, simply nodded and returned the small piece to her. But his eyes had been bright with interest, she could see. Each year following, he had asked to see her work. Kira always stood at her mother’s side, never touching the fragile ancient cloth, marveling each time at the rich hues that told the history of the world. Golds and reds and browns. And here and there, faded pale, almost reduced to white, there had once been blue. Her mother showed her the faded places that remained of it. Her mother did not know how to make blue. Sometimes they talked of it, Kira and Katrina, looking at the huge upturned bowl of sky above their”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 4, Page 47


“You will fail. Then they will kill you.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Vandara), Chapter 5, Page 56


“Only the moon was familiar”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 6, Page 71


“Kira closed her eyes, thought, and said them aloud. “Madder for red. Bedstraw for red too, just the roots. Tops of tansy for yellow, and greenwood for yellow too. And yarrow: yellow and gold. Dark hollyhocks, just the petals, for mauve….”

“Broom sedge,” she added, still remembering. “Goldy yellows and browns. And Saint Johnswort for browns too, but it’ll stain my hands.

“And bronze fennel–leaves and flowers; use them fresh–and you can eat it too. Chamomile for tea and for green hues.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 6, Page 74


“In the Fen, iffen they give you something special, it be a kick in your buttie.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Matt), Chapter 8, Page 89


“When you care about someone and give them something special. Something that they treasire. That’s a gift.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Kira), Chapter 8, Pages 88-89


“But to use the knowledge of the threading, you must learn the making of the shades. When to sadden with the iron pot. How to bloom the colors. How to bleed.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Annabella), Chapter 8, Page 93


“To sadden. To bloom. To bleed. What a strange set of words.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Annabella), Chapter 8, Page 94


“She turned her eyes away quickly so that she would not learn it, would not be guilty of something clearly forbidden to her. But it made her smile, to see it, to see how the pen formed the shapes and the shapes told a story of a name.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 9, Page 99


“… and she was awed to see that vibrant life still struggled to thrive despite such destruction.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 9, Page 101


“Pretending doesn’t keep you safe.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 11, Page 123


“Elderberry,” the old woman told her.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Annabella), Chapter 11, Page 123


“Artist?” Thomas suggested. “That’s a word. I’ve never heard anyone say it, but I’ve read it in some of the books. It means, well, someone who is able to make something beautiful. Would that be the word?”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Thomas the Carver), Chapter 15, Page 160


“Maybe it is something that artists have,” she said, liking the sound of the word she had just learned. “A special kind of magic knowledge.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Kira), Chapter 15, Page 161


“Over and over. They be making me remember everythings. Me old songs, they just be natural. But now they be stuffing new things into me and this poor head hurts horrid.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Jo), Chapter 16, Page 167


“they were artists, the three of them. Makers of song, of wood, of threaded patterns. Because they were artists, they had some value that she could not comprehend. Because of that value, the three of them were here, well fed, well housed, and nurtured.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 16, Pages 170-171


“We’re the ones who will fill in the blank places. Maybe we can make it different.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Kira), Chapter 17, Page 178


“The noise level subsided, as if people were distracted with”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 15, Page 186


“Ravaged all,
Bogo tabal
Timore toron
Totoo now gone…”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Jamison), Chapter 18, Pages 189-190


“It’s not true. I need all of you. We need each other.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 19, Page 198


“I brug you two [gifts] . . . I gots the little here in my pockie.’ He dug one hand deep into his pocket and pulled out a handful of nuts and a dead grasshopper. ‘Nope. Be the other side.’”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Matt), Chapter 20, Page 208


“He gestured toward her twisted leg. “Like you. Some don’t walk good. Some be broken in other ways. Not all. But lots. Do you think it maken them quiet and nice, to be broken?”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (Character: Matt), Chapter 20, Page 210


“The guardians with their stern faces had no creative power. But they had strength and cunning, and they had found a way to steal and harness other people’s powers for their own needs. They were forcing the children to describe the future they wanted, not the one that could be.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 23, Page 238


“They were forcing the children to describe the future they wanted, not the one that could be.”

~Lois Lowry, Gathering Blue, (The narrator), Chapter 23, Page 238


The Best Book Quotes With Page Numbers

Gathering Blue Summary

Kira is a young girl born with a twisted leg taken in by her village after her parents die. She is chosen to be the Threader, responsible for mending the fabric of the village’s clothes and other belongings.

With the help of her friend Thomas, Kira discovers her true strength in fixing the village’s fabrics and eventually gains the respect of her community. As she discovers more of the village’s secrets, Kira is given a special mission to create a beautiful piece of fabric to unite the village.

With the help of her newfound courage and skills, Kira can complete her mission, unite the village, and find her place in the world.

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