50 The Maze Runner Quotes With Page Numbers

This blog post has the 50 best The Maze Runner quotes with page numbers and who said them for easy reference.

The Maze Runner is a science fiction novel by James Dashner. The book was published in 2009 and became a New York Times Bestseller.

If you’re looking for some thought-provoking quotes from The Maze Runner, look no further!

An image of a green maze, with the text overlay:"The Maze Runner Quotes With Page Numbers"


The Maze Runner Quotes With Page Numbers

What page is this quote on from The Maze Runner, and who said it?

“He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 1, Page 1


“If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Alby, Chapter 2, Page 9


“Good that.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Alby, Chapter 2, Page 10 (first appearance)


“Get your runtcheeks down those stairs, right now”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Alby, Chapter 3, Page 20


“A loud boom exploded the air, making Thomas jump. It was followed by a horrible crunching, grinding sound. He stumbled backward, fell to the ground. He wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t seen it for himself. The enormous stone wall to the right of them seemed to defy every known law of physics as it slid along the ground, throwing sparks and dust as it moved, rock against rock. The crunching sound rattled his bones. He looked around at the other openings. On all four sides of the Glade, the right walls were moving toward the left, closing the gap of the Doors.
Then one final boom rumbled across the Glade as all four Doors sealed shut for the night.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 4, Pages 27-28


“Be thankful for these walls.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 6, Page 39


“Thomas swallowed, wondering how he could ever go out there. His desire to become a Runner had taken a major blow. But he had to do it. Somehow he KNEW he had to do it. It was such an odd thing to feel, especially after what he’d just seen… Thomas knew he was a smart kid- he somehow felt it in his bones. But nothing about this place made any sense. Except for one thing. He was supposed to be a Runner. Why did he feel that so strongly? And even now, after seeing what lived in the maze?”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 6, Page 39


“You get lazy, you get sad. Start givin’ up. Plain and simple.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 11, Page 77


“You scared of that pip-squeak? Dude, you got a lot to learn. Freakin’ Newbies.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 12, Page 81


“Thoughts of the girl crashed around his mind, made him remember the connection he felt. A sadness washed over him, as if he missed her, wanted to see her. That doesn’t make sense, he thought. I don’t even know her name.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 15, Page 97


“Good try, ya bugging shank. The Gathering elects Runners, and if you think I’m tough, they’d laugh in your face.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 15, Page 101


“Order,” Newt continued. “Order. You say that bloody word over and over in your shuck head. Reason we’re all sane around here is ’cause we work our butts off and mantain order. Order’s the reason we put Ben out–can’t have loonies runnin’ around tryin’ to kill people, now can we? Order. Last thing we need is you screwin’ that up.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 15, Page 102


“Whatever had happened to him [Newt] out there — maybe even related to his lingering ankle injury — had been truly awful.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 16, Page 108


“You are the shuckiest shuck faced shuck there ever was.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 17, Page 113


“He couldn’t leave a friend to die. Even someone as cranky as Alby.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 18, Page 120


“It’s kind of hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 22, Page 140


“You’re disgusting when you eat,” Chuck said, sitting on the bench next to him. “It’s like watching a starving pig eat his own klunk.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Chuck, Chapter 23, Page 147


“Zart the fart, you start.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 24, Page 153


“Quit voting me down before you even think about what I’m saying.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Gally, Chapter 24, Page 158


“Minho looked at Thomas. “I nominate this shank to replace me as Keeper of the Runners.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 24, Page 158


“Thats called hypocrisy, you shuck face piece of -!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 25, Page 160


“I didn’t do anyting wrong. All I know is I saw two people struggling to get inside these walls and they [Minho and Alby] couldn’t make it. To ignore that because of some stupid rule seemed selfish, cowardly, and… well, stupid. If you want to throw me in jail for trying to save someone’s [Alby] life, then go ahead. Next time I promise I’ll point at them and laugh, then go eat some of Frypan’s dinner.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 26, Page 166


“Avoiding other people was his new goal in life.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 28, Page 178


“It was you and me, Tom. We did this to them. To us.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 28, Page 184


“Thomas turned to see Newt there, smiling. That grin sent a wave of reassurance through Thomas, as if he were finding out the world was okay again.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 29, Page 189


“Everything crushed in on me at once. Sure made me feel better- don’t feel bad about crying. Ever.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 30, Page 193


“Thomas hated the people who’d taken this poor, innocent kid form his family. He hated them with a passion he didn’t know a human could feel. He wanted them dead, tortured, even. He wanted Chuck to be happy. But happiness had been ripped form their lives. Love had been ripped from their lives.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 30, Page 194


“Thomas had a depressing – and scary – thought. ‘Am I . . . replacing someone? Did somebody get killed?’

Minho shook his head. ‘No, we’re just training you – someone’ll want a break. Don’t worry, it’s been a while since a Runner was killed.’

For some reason that last statement worried Thomas, though he hoped it didn’t show on his face.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas and Minho, Chapter 32, Page 207


“Can’t take a chance that one day, in one spot, somewhere, an exit might appear. We can’t give up. Ever.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 32, Page 208


“[Minho] pulled one of his knives from a pocket and, without missing a beat, cut a big piece of ivy off the wall. He threw it on the ground behind him and kept running.

“Bread crumbs?” Thomas asked, the old fairy tale popping into his mind. Such odd glimpses of his past had almost stopped surprising him.

“Bread crumbs,” Minho replied. “I’m Hansel, you’re Gretel.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, about Minho, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 33, Page 211


“Bread crumbs,” Minho replied. “I’m Hansel, you’re Gretel.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 33, Page 211


“She smiled for the first time, and he almost had to look away, as if something that nice didn’t belong in such a glum and gray place, as if he had no right to look at her expression.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 36, Page 235


“If you’re going to decipher a hidden code from a complex set of different mazes, I’m pretty sure you need a girl’s brain running the show.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Teresa, Chapter 43, Page 279


“If we’re gonna die, let’s do it freakin’ fighting!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 51, Page 312


“Wonder why we can do this,’ he called out with his mind. The mental effort of speaking to her was already straining—he felt a headache forming like a bulge in his brain.

‘Maybe we were lovers,’ Teresa said.

Thomas tripped and crashed to the ground. Smiling sheepishly at Minho, who’d turned to look without slowing, Thomas got back up and caught up to him.

‘What?’ he finally asked. He sensed a laugh from her, a watery image full of color.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas and Teresa, Chapter 44, Page 283


“WICKED is good”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 36, Page 237, and Chapter 44, Page 284


“All the same, Thomas now had a plan. As bad as it was, he had a plan.

They needed more clues about the code. They needed MEMORIES.

So he was going to get stung by a Griever. Go through the Changing. On purpose.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 45, Page 291


“Minho snickered and leaned back in his chair. “Man, you are one butt-load of sunshine, let me tell you.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 51, Page 312


“I just…feel like I need to save everyone. To redeem myself.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 52, Page 316


“Shouldn’t someone give a pep talk or something?’ Minho asked…

“Go ahead,” Newt replied.

Minho nodded and faced the crowd. ‘Be careful,’ he said dryly. ‘Don’t die.’

Thomas would have laughed if he could, but he was too scared for it to come out.

‘Great. We’re all bloody inspired,’ Newt answered.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho and Newt, Chapter 54, Pages 327-28


“Great. We’re all bloody inspired,” Newt answered, then pointed over his shoulder, towards the Maze.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 54, Page 328


“Tonight, they’d make their stand, once and for all.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 54, Page 328


“Ah, my Knight in Shining Armor. What, you don’t think I can fend for myself?”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Teresa, Chapter 55, Page 329


“Maybe you should just push that button”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Chuck, Chapter 57, Page 346


“Such a display of death – how could it be considered a victory?”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 58, Page 348


“I’m gonnna break your faces!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 59, Page 352


“I promised him!” he screamed, realizing even as he did so that his voice was laced with something wrong. Almost insanity. “I promised I’d save him, take him home! I promised him!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 59, Page 358


“I promised I’d save him, take him home! I promised him!”

. . . Thomas hugged Chuck to his chest, squeezed him as tightly as possible, as if that could somehow bring him back, or show thanks for saving his life, for being his friend when no one else would.

Thomas cried, wept like he’d never wept before. His great, racking sobs echoed through the chamber like the sounds of tortured pain.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 59, Page 358


“I’ve been shucked and gone to heaven.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 61, Page 368


“But there was something about the largest object in the solar system vanishing that tended to disrupt normal schedules.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas as the narrator, Chapter 61, Page 368


The Maze Runner Quotes and Analysis

Here are the ten best quotes from The Maze Runner.


1. “If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Alby, Chapter 2, Page 9


Meaning: Alby’s quote implies that fear is an essential part of the human experience and that those not scared of the unknown are not living up to the full potential of their humanity.

It emphasizes the importance of embracing and facing our fears to live truly and acknowledges that fear can be a positive emotion if used to inspire courage and strength.


2. “You are the shuckiest shuck faced shuck there ever was.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 17, Page 113


Meaning: This quote from Minho is humorous in expressing his frustration with the situation. It is a reminder that no matter how difficult things may seem, they can be faced with courage and perseverance.

It also emphasizes the importance of looking out for each other, as the characters in the book are all in it together.


3. “Shouldn’t someone give a pep talk or something?’ Minho asked…

“Go ahead,” Newt replied.

Minho nodded and faced the crowd. ‘Be careful,’ he said dryly. ‘Don’t die.’

Thomas would have laughed if he could, but he was too scared for it to come out.

‘Great. We’re all bloody inspired,’ Newt answered.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho and Newt, Chapter 54, Pages 327-28


Meaning: Minho and Newt’s quote reflects their feelings of resignation and determination in the face of fear and danger.

They are willing to accept the risks of being a ‘Runner’ despite the danger and are prepared to fight and persevere to make it out alive. The quote emphasizes their courage and strength of character in the face of adversity.


4. “It’s kind of hard to ask a dead guy what he did wrong.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 22, Page 140


Meaning: Minho’s quote speaks to the difficulty of learning from the mistakes of others when those mistakes have already led to death.

It suggests that there is a certain finality that death brings, preventing the deceased from being able to offer insight, guidance, or wisdom to those still living. In other words,

it is impossible to gain advice from a dead person, making it harder to learn from their mistakes.


5. “I’ve been shucked and gone to heaven.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Minho, Chapter 61, Page 368


Meaning: Minho’s quote, “I’ve been shucked and gone to heaven,” conveys the joy and relief of finally escaping the Maze. The phrase is a metaphor for being freed from a difficult situation, implying that life after the Maze was a much easier and happier place.

It also speaks to Minho’s resilience in adversity and his appreciation for being granted a second chance at life.


6. “I promised him!”

he screamed, realizing even as he did so that his voice was laced with something wrong. Almost insanity. “I promised I’d save him, take him home! I promised him!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 59, Page 358


Meaning: The quote from Thomas in The Maze Runner reflects the strength of his sense of responsibility. His promise to save a friend was a powerful drive that pushed him to do whatever

it took to fulfill his promise, regardless of the risks and difficulties he had to face. With his words laced with a sense of desperation, it is clear that his commitment to his promise was absolute, and his dedication was unyielding.


7. “Maybe you should just push that button”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Chuck, Chapter 57, Page 346


Meaning: Chuck’s line reminds Thomas that they can still fight for the life they used to have and strive for a better future. It is a hopeful quote encouraging Thomas to take action despite any obstacles.

Through this, Chuck symbolizes a beacon of hope that reminds Thomas that they can make a difference in their world and have the chance to reclaim their freedom.


8. “WICKED is good”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 36, Page 237, Chapter 44, Page 284


Meaning: Thomas’s quote, “WICKED is good,” implies that he believes the organization WICKED to be a force of good and ultimately beneficial to the world, despite its control methods.

Whether WICKED is good or bad in The Maze Runner is a matter of opinion, as it can be seen as a necessary component to save the world and a dangerous and oppressive force.


9. “You get lazy, you get sad. Start givin’ up. Plain and simple.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 11, Page 77


Meaning: Newt’s quote in The Maze Runner emphasizes the importance of staying active and engaged to avoid feelings of sadness and helplessness.

He suggests that apathy and complacency can lead to giving up and a sense of hopelessness and that the simplest solution is to keep oneself busy and involved.


10. “Good that.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Alby, Chapter 2, Page 10


Meaning: Alby’s quote warns Thomas that breaking the rules of the Glade is a serious matter, and if he does so, he could face dire consequences.

Alby is trying to impress upon Thomas the importance of maintaining the social order of the Glade for everyone’s safety and that the only way to survive the Maze is to work together.

His words also demonstrate his commitment to the Gladers and his willingness to do whatever it takes to protect them.


The Maze Runner Thomas quotes with page numbers

Thomas’ quotes from The Maze Runner by James Dashner with page numbers include

“You scared of that pip-squeak? Dude, you got a lot to learn. Freakin’ Newbies.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 12, Page 81


“I didn’t do anyting wrong. All I know is I saw two people struggling to get inside these walls and they [Minho and Alby] couldn’t make it. To ignore that because of some stupid rule seemed selfish, cowardly, and… well, stupid. If you want to throw me in jail for trying to save someone’s [Alby] life, then go ahead. Next time I promise I’ll point at them and laugh, then go eat some of Frypan’s dinner.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 26, Page 166


“Everything crushed in on me at once. Sure made me feel better- don’t feel bad about crying. Ever.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 30, Page 193


“Thomas had a depressing – and scary – thought. ‘Am I . . . replacing someone? Did somebody get killed?’

“Minho shook his head. ‘No, we’re just training you – someone’ll want a break. Don’t worry, it’s been a while since a Runner was killed.’

For some reason that last statement worried Thomas, though he hoped it didn’t show on his face.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas and Minho, Chapter 32, Page 207


“Wonder why we can do this,’ he called out with his mind. The mental effort of speaking to her was already straining—he felt a headache forming like a bulge in his brain.

‘Maybe we were lovers,’ Teresa said.

Thomas tripped and crashed to the ground. Smiling sheepishly at Minho, who’d turned to look without slowing, Thomas got back up and caught up to him.

‘What?’ he finally asked. He sensed a laugh from her, a watery image full of color.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas and Teresa, Chapter 44, Page 283


“WICKED is good”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 36, Page 237, Chapter 44, Page 284


“I just…feel like I need to save everyone. To redeem myself.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 52, Page 316


“I promised him!” he screamed, realizing even as he did so that his voice was laced with something wrong. Almost insanity. “I promised I’d save him, take him home! I promised him!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 59, Page 358


The Maze Runner Quotes About Control

“I promised him!” he screamed, realizing even as he did so that his voice was laced with something wrong. Almost insanity. “I promised I’d save him, take him home! I promised him!”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 59, Page 358


“WICKED is good.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 36, Page 237, Chapter 44, Page 284


“I didn’t do anyting wrong. All I know is I saw two people struggling to get inside these walls and they [Minho and Alby] couldn’t make it. To ignore that because of some stupid rule seemed selfish, cowardly, and… well, stupid. If you want to throw me in jail for trying to save someone’s [Alby] life, then go ahead. Next time I promise I’ll point at them and laugh, then go eat some of Frypan’s dinner.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Thomas, Chapter 26, Page 166


“Quit voting me down before you even think about what I’m saying.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Gally, Chapter 24, Page 158


“Order,” Newt continued. “Order. You say that bloody word over and over in your shuck head. Reason we’re all sane around here is ’cause we work our butts off and mantain order. Order’s the reason we put Ben out–can’t have loonies runnin’ around tryin’ to kill people, now can we? Order. Last thing we need is you screwin’ that up.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Newt, Chapter 15, Page 102


“Might be something they got in our brains to control us–just like the memory swipe.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Ably, Chapter 31, Page 197


‘They…can control me…I don’t ‘his eyes bulged, a hand went to his throat as if he were choking.”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Gally, Chapter 59, Page 355


“It was like…something was controlling my body. I’m sorry…”

~James Dashner, The Maze Runner, Alby, Chapter 27, Page 174


The Maze Runner Characters

The main characters in The Maze Runner are Thomas, Alby, Minho, Newt, Teresa, and Gally.

  • Thomas is the protagonist, a teenage boy who awakens with no memories other than his name. He is brave and resourceful and is the only one willing to enter the Maze at night to save Alby and Minho.
  • Alby is the Gladers’ leader and the first to welcome Thomas when he arrives. He is brave and loyal but also strict and suspicious of anyone new.
  • Minho is the Keeper of the Runners and navigates the Maze for an exit. He is daring, courageous, and willing to take risks to find a way out.
  • Newt is Alby’s second-in-command and is responsible for keeping the Gladers safe. He is loyal and trustworthy but also a bit pessimistic about their chances of escape.
  • Teresa is the only girl to have ever arrived in the Glade. She awakens from a coma with a mysterious knowledge of the Maze. She is brave, determined, and helps Thomas figure out the code to escape.
  • Gally is one of the Gladers taken by the Grievers and the only one who knows the Gladers will only be taken one at a time until the end. He is distrustful and stubborn, but ultimately, he is loyal to the Gladers and helps them escape.


If you ain’t scared you ain’t human page number maze runner

This line by Alby is on page 9, chapter 2 of The Maze Runner.

The Best Book Quotes With Page Numbers


What is the most important quote in The Maze Runner?

The most important quote in The Maze Runner is Alby’s line, “If you ain’t scared… you ain’t human.”


What is the first line of The Maze Runner?

“He began his new life standing up, surrounded by cold darkness and stale, dusty air.” Page 1 by the narrator


What are the code words in The Maze Runner?

The code words in The Maze Runner are FLOAT, CATCH, BLEED, DEATH, STIFF, and PUSH. Thomas discovers these by studying the Maze’s walls and deducing that they form a code that needs to be punched into a computer station to escape.


Who is Minho named after?

Minho is not named after anyone famous; his name comes from James Dashner’s niece’s husband. Dashner has said that Minho is an Asian teenage boy with strong arms and short black hair. He is known for his aggression, loyalty, and sarcastic humor, which endears him to the other Gladers.


What is one thing Thomas can’t remember?

One thing Thomas cannot remember is his last name. The images of people that flash across his mind are unrecognizable; their faces are replaced with haunted smears of color. He cannot think of someone he knows or recall a single conversation.


Sources Cited

Goodreads The Maze Runner Quotes

The Maze Runner Wiki

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