25 It’s Not Summer Without You Quotes With Page Numbers


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It’s Not Summer Without You Quotes With Page Numbers

“When a person you love dies, it doesn’t feel real. It’s like it’s happening to someone else. It’s someone else’s life. I’ve never been good with the abstract. What does it mean when someone is really truly gone?”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 1, Page 2

The Summer I Turned Pretty Quotes


“And no matter what you do or how hard you try, you can’t stop
yourself from dreaming.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 3, Page 26


“I could feel my insides sink. My knees too. So I sat on the ground, against the wall, letting it support me. I thought I knew what heartbreak felt like. I thought heartbreak was me, standing alone at the prom. That was nothing. This, this was heartbreak. The pain in your chest, the ache behind your eyes. The knowing that things will never be the same again. It’s all relative, I suppose. You think you know love, you think you know real pain, but you don’t. You don’t know anything.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 5, Page 30


“It’s all relative, I suppose. You think you know love, you think you know real pain, but you don’t. You don’t know anything.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 5, Page 31


“There are moments in life that you wish with all your heart you could take back. Like, just erase from existence. Like, if you could, you’d erase yourself right out of existence too, just to make that moment not exist.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 5, Page 41


“I hated to leave her and I hated to be near her,because she made me remember what I wanted most to forget.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 6, Page 47


“My dad always used to say that with everything in life, there’s a game-changing moment. The one moment everything else hinges upon, but you hardly ever know it at the time.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 8, Page 58


“I hated him more than anything. I loved him more than anything. Because, he was everything. And I hated that, too.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin), Chapter 10, Page 68


“Wait!” he yelled.
I didn’t turn around, I walked faster. Then I heard him slam his fist on the hood of his car. I almost stopped.
Maybe I would have if he’d followed me. But he didn’t. He got in his car and he left, just like he said he would.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Characters: Conrad and Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 12, Page 84


An image of a twilight sky, with the text overlay: “How do you regret one of the best nights of your entire life? You don't. You remember every word, every look. Even when it hurts, you still remember.” ~Jenny Han, It's Not Summer Without You

“How do you regret one of the best nights of your entire life? You don’t. You remember every word, every look. Even when it hurts, you still remember.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 16, Page 114


“Nothing, nothing felt better than the way sand felt beneath my feet. It was both solid and shifting. Constant and ever-changing. It was summer.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 17, Page 118


“You never know the last time you’ll see a place. A person.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 17, Page 123


“I didn’t want to make the same mistake my parents made. I didn’t want my love to fade away one day like an old scar. I wanted it to burn forever.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 28, Page 182


“Excuse me, f*** you.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin), Chapter 31, Page 231


“But I had loved him. I loved him longer and truer than I had anyone in my whole life and I would probably never love anyone that way again. Which to be honest was almost a relief.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 39, Page 251


“I stared at him. Did he really say that? Did he remember? The way he looked back at me, one eyebrow raised, I knew he did. And this time, I was the one to look away.
Because I remembered. I remembered everything.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 40, Page 256


“He started to say something, maybe an apology and maybe not, and then he stopped, he leaned over and pulled me toward him – like by gravitational force. He kissed me, hard, and his skin was stubbly and rough against my cheek. My first thought was, I guess he didn’t have time to shave this morning, and then – I was kissing him back, my fingers winding through his soft yellow hair and my eyes closed. He kissed like he was drowning and I was air. It was passionate, and desperate, and like nothing I had ever experienced before.
This was what people meant when they said the earth stopped turning. It felt like a world outside of that car, that moment, didn’t exist. It was just us.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 41, Page 261


“That’s when I finally got it. I finally understood. It wasn’t the thought that counted. It was the actual execution that mattered, the showing up for somebody. The intent behind it wasn’t enough. Not for me. Not anymore. It wasn’t enough to know that deep down, he loved me. You had to actually say it to somebody, show them you cared. And he just didn’t. Not enough.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You, (Character: Isabel Conklin), Chapter 41, Page 263


“I will never look at you in the same way ever again. I’ll never be that girl again. The girl who comes running back every time you push her away, the girl who loves you anyway.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You, (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Page 273


“We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You, (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Page 273


“We stood there, looking at each other, saying nothing. But it was the kind of nothing that meant everything. In his eyes, there was no trace of what had happened between us earlier and I could feel something inside me break.
So that was that. We were finally, finally over.
I looked at him, and I felt so sad, because this thought occurred to me: ‘I will never look at you the same way again. I’ll never be that girl again. The girl who comes running back every time you push her away, the girl who loves you anyway.’
I couldn’t even be mad at him, because this was who he was. This was who he’d
always been. He’d never lied about that. He gave and then he took away. I felt it in the pit of my stomach, the familiar ache, that lost, regretful feeling only he could give me. I never wanted to feel it again. Never, ever.
Maybe this was why I came, so I could really know. So I could say good-bye.
I looked at him, and I thought, ‘If I was very brave or very honest, I would tell him.’
I would say it, so he would know it and I would know it, and I could never take it back. But I wasn’t that brave or honest, so all I did was look at him. And I think he knew anyway.
‘I release you. I evict you from my heart. Because if I don’t do it now, I never will.’
I was the one to look away first.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You, (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Pages 273-74


“I couldn’t even be mad at him, because this was who he was. This was who he’d always been. He’d never lied about that. He gave and then he took away. I felt it in the pit of my stomach, the familiar ache, that lost, regretful feeling only he could give me. I never wanted to feel it again. Never, ever. Maybe this was why I came, so I could really know. So I could say good-bye.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Page 273


“I release you. I evict you from my heart. Because if I don’t do it now, I never will.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You, (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Page 274


“When I used to picture forever, it was always with the same boy. In my dreams, my future was set. A sure thing. This isn’t the way I’d pictured it. … The future is unclear. But it’s still mine.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Page 276


“The future is unclear. But it’s still mine.”

~Jenny Han, It’s Not Summer Without You (Character: Isabel Conklin as the narrator), Chapter 43, Page 277


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